Make salary payments, statutory remittances and vendor payments seamlessly

Enjoy error free payments and cutting edge analytics alongside other benefits

Complete your salary payment in 3 steps

  • Create your Breezepayer account

    Click on 'get started' and complete the onboarding steps

  • Load and verify your payment data

    Create approval workflows and load your payments data to the platform

  • Complete and track payment realtime

    Make payments instantly, see payment status instantly and dive deep into richer analytics


Statutory remittances made easy

Remit tax, pension, and other statutory payments for your employees with just a few clicks

Better benefits for your employees

Companies with satisfied employees are 147% more profitable. Once you pay salaries on Breeze, your employees have access to a world of benefits like loans, insurance, mortgage, etc.

Guaranteed payday for your employees

Want to make sure your employees are always paid on a particular date? With Salary Assurance, we fund your payroll & you repay before the next pay cycle

Fast and flexible credit for businesses like yours

Unlock growth for your business. Get the funding you need to purchase inventory, manage, operate or scale your business

Our vision is to help businesses & employees enjoy a better life and do more with their earnings​

Seamless payments

Reliable, instant transactions alongside extensive reporting and analytics

Bank Level Security

Securely encrypted transactions and bank grade security features

Data Privacy

Approval workflows to ensure only authorised access to company data

Ready to start making payments?

Let’s answer some of your questions

Breeze Payer is a bulk payment solution for corporates to manage all payments e.g. salary, pension, taxes, bonuses, supplier, etc.
It is completely free to sign up and use our platform. For the first 6 months, you also perform all transactions for free (interbank) after which we charge N10 per transaction fee
Nope, there are no limit to the number of transactions you can process on Breeze Payer!
You can instruct us to deactivate benefits for your employees and we will
There is an inbuilt maker-checker system with approval workflows and all transactions must be approved by designated personnel before processing. Also, Breeze Payer is developed with bank grade security in partnership with CBN regulated banks and financial institutions
You can get uo to N100million depending on your company's cashflow